News: Initiative from the Community for the Development of a QTF-Backbone
Initiative for the Establishment of a Fiber Optic Backbone for
Initiative for the Establishment of a Fiber Optic Backbone for
What is Quantum Communication? Nicolas Spethmann talks with IP-Insider Chief
Experts gather to discuss Quantum Technology: SQuaD and QuNET hosted
Europe’s Quantum Event of the Year: Quantum Flagship wins Largest
SQuaD Workshop on Quantum Communication at World of Quantum 2023:
SQuaD and QR.X hosted a Joint Workshop in Bad Honnef
SQuaD and QuNET were represented at the Nationale Konferenz IT-Sicherheitsforschung
Germany is pooling its Expertise in the Field of Quantum
About SQuaD
SQuaD connects actors in the field of Quantum Communication in Germany and promotes technology transfer from science to industry.
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