Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “StartUpConnect”:
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “StartUpConnect”:
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject of
SQuaD Partners from DIN and Experts from the Qcom Community
Announcement for the Funding of Pre-Projects on the Subject “Photonics
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “Enabling
BSI evaluates the Uses and Limits of QKD: Jointly written
IEC and ISO launch New Joint Technical Committee on Quantum
Europe launches Technology Leap for Safe Digitalization: The European Commission has
BSI publishes study on implementation attacks on QKD systems: The
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “Quantum
About SQuaD
SQuaD connects actors in the field of Quantum Communication in Germany and promotes technology transfer from science to industry.
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