Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subjects “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital)”:
The European Commission has published a funding measure as part of the programme ‘Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital)’ to speed up the deployment of fast, secure, and sustainable advanced infrastructures. Projects to the development of backbone connectivity, 5G networks, and Quantum Communication are eligible for funding. Of the total €323 million, €128 million is earmarked for projects on “Backbone Connectivity for Digital Global Gateways”, €105 million for projects on “5G Large-Scale Pilots”, and €90 million for the interconnection of national Quantum Communication infrastructure networks. Further information on the funding call can be found here.
Deadline for submissions:
27 March 2025, at 5 p.m.
27 March 2025, at 5 p.m.