Pho­to­nic and quan­tum-based Tech­no­lo­gies for medi­cal Dia­gno­stics and The­ra­py

Announce­ment for the Fun­ding of Pro­jects on the Sub­ject “Pho­to­nic and quan­tum-based Tech­no­lo­gies for medi­cal Dia­gno­stics and The­ra­py”:

The Bun­des­mi­nis­te­ri­um für Bil­dung und For­schung (BMBF) intends to fund the field of “Pho­to­nic and quan­tum-based tech­no­lo­gies for medi­cal dia­gno­stics and the­ra­py”. The mea­su­re sup­ports col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­jects that inves­ti­ga­te com­bi­na­ti­ons of pro­ce­du­res for medi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons invol­ving at least one pho­to­nics or quan­tum-based moda­li­ty, and also pro­mo­tes rese­arch into quan­tum-based effects and new pho­to­nic methods that open up fun­da­men­tal­ly new appli­ca­ti­on per­spec­ti­ves in medi­ci­ne or medi­cal bio­tech­no­lo­gy. One aim of the fun­ding is to expand the level of tech­no­lo­gy alre­a­dy achie­ved in the field of medi­cal dia­gno­stics and the­ra­py and its poten­ti­al appli­ca­ti­ons. Ano­ther aim is to rese­arch the fun­da­men­tals of new quan­tum-based or pho­to­nic methods with poten­ti­al appli­ca­ti­ons in medi­cal dia­gno­stics or the­ra­py. Further infor­ma­ti­on on the fun­ding call can be found here.

Dead­line for sub­mis­si­ons
30 June 2025

Source refe­rence: 
Bun­des­mi­nis­te­ri­um für Bil­dung und For­schung (BMBF)