Results of the Workshops on Requirements Analysis of Norms and Standards for Qcom published:
With the aim of identifying barriers and needs in the field of Quantum Communication, SQuaD organized two workshops in March in cooperation with the Deutsche Institut für Normung (DIN) on the subject “Needs analysis of norms and standards for Quantum Communication along the value chain”. During the workshops, the production of the necessary components and systems, integration into existing communication infrastructures and potential end-user applications were examined in detail. The results of the workshops on needs analysis have now been summarized and can be downloaded here.
In order to carry out targeted standardization activities and identify the most urgent need for action, a survey is currently being conducted as part of SQuaD. The survey is activated until 20 September 2024 and can be found here. Your participation is crucial to advancing standardization in the field of Quantum Communication. Please get involved!