Spe­cial Issue: Soft­ware for Quan­tum Net­works

Call for Papers for a Spe­cial Issue on Soft­ware for Quan­tum Net­works:

The jour­nal Advan­ced Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies wel­co­mes sub­mis­si­ons for a spe­cial issue on “Soft­ware for Quan­tum Net­works”. In addi­ti­on to reviews, the issue will focus on rese­arch papers that inves­ti­ga­te and dis­se­mi­na­te exe­cu­ta­ble descrip­ti­ons of novel com­pon­ents such as beam split­ters and sin­gle pho­ton sources as buil­ding blocks for Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies. The spe­cial issue is super­vi­sed by guest edi­tors Janis Nöt­zel, Ric­car­do Bas­so­li, Kai Mül­ler and Dan Kil­per, who are clo­se­ly asso­cia­ted with the Ger­man Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Eco­sys­tem in Ger­ma­ny and are acti­ve in the BMBF-fun­ded pro­ject “QUIET” of the Inno­va­ti­on Hub for Qcom, among others. The issue its­elf is rela­ted to the BMBF-fun­ded pro­ject “Grand Chall­enge of Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on”, which aims to mea­sur­a­b­ly impro­ve Quan­tum Memo­ries and other key tech­no­lo­gies for Quan­tum Tokens. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the call for papers can be found here.

Dead­line for sub­mis­si­ons
31 May 2025

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