Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “Transfer and Network Integration of Quantum Communication”:
The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) intends to fund the research and development of technologies and methods as a basis for the transfer of Quantum Communication Systems in application and their network integration. The object of the funding is the research of issues in the field of Quantum Communication, through which the transfer of Quantum Communication Technology into application is strengthened and expanded in a targeted and sustainable manner. This funding guideline is intended to support application-oriented research projects and an overarching roof project. Further information on the funding call can be found here.
Deadline for submissions
31 March 2025 (Roof project)
31 March 2025, 30 November 2025, and 30 November 2026 (Application-oriented research projects)
Source reference: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)