News about SQuaD
SQuaD is regularly present at various events such as trade fairs or conferences to network with actors in the field of Quantum Communication and to stay at the cutting edge. Publications on events, announcements, and other news are available on this page.
Transfer and Network Integration of Quantum Communication
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “Transfer and Network Integration of Quantum Communication”: The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) intends to
Photonic and quantum-based Technologies for medical Diagnostics and Therapy
Announcement for the Funding of Projects on the Subject “Photonic and quantum-based Technologies for medical Diagnostics and Therapy”: The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Quantenrepeater.Net (QR.N)
Networked Quantum Repeaters for future End-to-end Security: The joint project “Quantenrepeater.Link (QR.X)”, which was funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) and ran
Quantum Teleportation over busy Internet Cables
Secure Quantum Applications without special Infrastructure: Researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois have made an important advance for the future of Quantum Communication. In an
Workshop on “Developing a Perspective: QTF-Backbone
Workshop on the Development of a German QTF-Backbone: To support “Developing a perspective” for the “QTF-Backbone”, an optical fiber backbone for simultaneous Quantum Communication and
PQC in Focus
BSI and EU Partners call for Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography: The development of Quantum Computers marks a revolutionary technological achievement, but brings with it considerable
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Networking Platform
Innovative networking and collaboration platform as a central contact point that connects all stakeholders in the Qcom area. It is currently under construction.