Map of Germany
Testbed Map for Quantum Communication in Germany
SQuaD is the central point of contact for the expertise and infrastructure of Quantum Communication in Germany. For this purpose, actors from research and industry are brought together and the existing research set-ups of the partners are expanded to include public use of testbeds for Quantum Communication Technology.
The testbed map shows the locations in Germany where testbeds in the field of Quantum Communication exist or are planned. If your existing or required testbed is not yet included in the map, please contact us at squad@ptb.de.
Location: South Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe – North Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
Total length: about 22 kilometers
Wavelength: o‑band (1330 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)
Type of transmission: dark fiber
Operator: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and TelemaxX
Institution: Karlsruhe Quantum Communication Fiber Testbed
Contact: David Hunger, Sebastian Randel
Status: active
Location: University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart – Deutsche Telekom AG, Stuttgart
Total length: about 18 kilometers
Wavelength: related to the standard single mode fiber, including o‑, e‑, s‑, c‑, l‑, and u‑bands
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Deutsche Telekom, R&D SASER TestNet and University of Stuttgart
Institution: Stuttgart Quantum Communication Fiber Testbed
Contact: Marc Geitz, Peter Michler, Simone Portalupi
Status: active
Location: Deutsche Telekom AG, T‑Labs, Berlin – Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Berlin
Total length: about 8 kilometers
Wavelength: λ = 1550 nm
Type of transmission: singlemode fiber, underground
Operator: T‑Labs, Bundesdruckerei
Institution: Testbed Bundesdruckerei – T‑Labs
Contact: Oliver Muth, Richard Schilling
Status: active
Location: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen
Total length: < 1 kilometer
Wavelength: VIS, 589 nm, 850 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm
Type of transmission: optical ground station for satellite or aircraft communication
Operator: DLR Institute for Communications and Navigation
Institution: DLR Institute for Communications and Navigation
Contact: Florian Moll
Status: active
Location: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen – Telecommunications Tower Schöngeising FFB, Schöngeising
Total length: about 7 kilometers
Wavelength: VIS, 589 nm, 850 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm
Type of transmission: free space optics
Operator: DLR Institute for Communications and Navigation
Institution: DLR Institute for Communications and Navigation
Contact: Florian Moll
Status: active
Location: Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems (EAS), Dresden
Total length: about 200 meters
Wavelength: 810 nm; o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Fraunhofer EAS
Institution: Fraunhofer EAS
Contact: Stefan Krause
Status: active
Location: Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems (EAS), Dresden – Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (IVI), Dresden
Total length: 10 kilometer loop (about 20 kilometers with circulator)
Wavelength: o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Fraunhofer EAS
Institution: Fraunhofer EAS
Contact: Stefan Krause
Status: active
Location: Technical University (TU), Eugene Paul Wigner building, Berlin – Telefunken building (TEL), Berlin – Technical University (TU), Main building, Berlin
Total length: ≤ 1 kilometer
Wavelength: o-/c‑band (780 to 950 nm)
Type of transmission: various
Operator: Tobias Heindel
Institution: Technical University (TU) of Berlin
Contact: Tobias Heindel
Status: active
Location: Heinz Nixdorf Institute (HNI), Paderborn – Paderborn University, Paderborn
Total length: about 9 kilometers
Wavelength: all Telekom bandwidths
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: PhoQS
Institution: Paderborn University
Contact: Klaus Jöns, Tim Bartley, Christoph Scheytt, Christine Silberhorn
Status: active
Location: Lise Meitner House, Berlin – T‑Labs (Deutsche Telekom AG), Berlin – Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin
Total length: about 26 kilometers (from Lise Meitner House to T‑Labs) (fiber), about 8.3 kilometers (from T‑Labs to Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI)) (fiber) and about 3.1 kilometers (from Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) to T‑Labs) (free space)
Wavelength: dark fiber (no restrictions)
Type of transmission: fiber and free space optics link between Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) and T‑Labs, fiber link between Lise Meitner House and T‑Labs
Operator: Humboldt University (HU) of Berlin, T‑Labs (Deutsche Telekom AG) and Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin
Institution: Berlin Quantum Communication Testbed
Contact: Marc Geitz, Nicolas Perlot
Status: active
Location: Leibniz University of Hanover (LUH), Hanover – Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig
Total length: about 78 kilometers
Wavelength: c‑band (1530 to 1565 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and Leibniz University of Hanover (LUH)
Institution: Leibniz University of Hanover (LUH) and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Contact: Stefan Kück, Fei Ding
Status: active
Location: various
Wavelength: c‑band (1550 nm), 800 nm
Type of transmission: fiber and free space optics
Operator: Munich Quantum Network (MuQuaNet); click here for more information about MuQuaNet
Institution: University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBw M) (fiber) and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) (free space optics)
Contact: Udo Helmbrecht
Status: planned / partially in operation
Location: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), Jena
Total length: ≤ 1 kilometer
Type of transmission: optical ground station for satellite or aircraft communication
Operator: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF)
Institution: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF)
Contact: Matthias Goy, Fabian Steinlechner
Status: active
Location: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), Jena – Public utilities Jena, Jena
Total length: about 1.7 kilometers
Wavelength: 500 nm to 2 µm (810 nm, 1550 nm etc.)
Type of transmission: free space optics
Operator: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF)
Institution: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) and Public utilities Jena
Contact: Matthias Goy, Fabian Steinlechner
Status: active
Location: Abbe Center of Photonics (ACP), Jena – Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), Jena
Total length: ≤ 1 kilometer
Wavelength: c‑band (1550 nm), o‑band (1300 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Beutenberg e.V.
Institution: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) and Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) Jena
Contact: Natasa Pavlovic, Fabian Steinlechner
Status: active
Location: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), Jena – Fraunhofer Center for Microelectronic and Optical Systems for Biomedicine (MEOS), Erfurt
Total length: about 76 kilometers
Wavelength: c‑band (1550 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF)
Institution: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) and Fraunhofer Center for Microelectronic and Optical Systems for Biomedicine (MEOS)
Contact: Natasa Pavlovic, Fabian Steinlechner
Status: active
Location: Saarland University (UdS), Saarbrücken – University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Saarbrücken
Total length: about 14 kilometers
Wavelength: o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)
Type of transmission: fiber
Operator: Saarland University (UdS) and VSE NET GmbH
Institution: Saarbrücken Quantum Communication Fiber Testbed
Contact: Jürgen Eschner, Christoph Becher
Status: active
Parallel to the already existing testbed infrastructure, several initiatives and projects are ongoing to extend the testbed infrastructure in Germany. The initiative for the establishment of a fiber optic backbone for Quantum Communication and time and frequency distribution in Germany is introduced here.