
Map of Ger­ma­ny

Test­bed Map for Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny

SQuaD is the cen­tral point of cont­act for the exper­ti­se and infra­struc­tu­re of Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny. For this pur­po­se, actors from rese­arch and indus­try are brought tog­e­ther and the exis­ting rese­arch set-ups of the part­ners are expan­ded to include public use of test­beds for Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy. 

The test­bed map shows the loca­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny whe­re test­beds in the field of Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on exist or are plan­ned. If your exis­ting or requi­red test­bed is not yet included in the map, plea­se cont­act us at squad@ptb.de.

Karls­ru­he Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Loca­ti­on: South Cam­pus of the Karls­ru­he Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (KIT), Karls­ru­he – North Cam­pus of the Karls­ru­he Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (KIT), Karls­ru­he

Total length: about 22 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: o‑band (1330 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: dark fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Karls­ru­he Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (KIT) and Tele­ma­xX

Insti­tu­ti­on: Karls­ru­he Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Cont­act: David Hun­ger, Sebas­ti­an Ran­del

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Stutt­gart Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Loca­ti­on: Uni­ver­si­ty of Stutt­gart, Stutt­gart – Deut­sche Tele­kom AG, Stutt­gart

Total length: about 18 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: rela­ted to the stan­dard sin­gle mode fiber, inclu­ding o‑, e‑, s‑, c‑, l‑, and u‑bands

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Deut­sche Tele­kom, R&D SASER Test­Net and Uni­ver­si­ty of Stutt­gart

Insti­tu­ti­on: Stutt­gart Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Cont­act: Marc Geitz, Peter Mich­ler, Simo­ne Port­a­lu­pi

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Test­bed Bun­des­dru­cke­rei – T‑Labs

Loca­ti­on: Deut­sche Tele­kom AG, T‑Labs, Ber­lin – Bun­des­dru­cke­rei GmbH, Ber­lin

Total length: about 8 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: λ = 1550 nm

Type of trans­mis­si­on: sin­gle­mo­de fiber, under­ground

Ope­ra­tor: T‑Labs, Bun­des­dru­cke­rei

Insti­tu­ti­on: Test­bed Bun­des­dru­cke­rei – T‑Labs

Cont­act: Oli­ver Muth, Richard Schil­ling

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Opti­cal Ground Sta­ti­on Ober­pfaf­fen­ho­fen

Loca­ti­on: Ger­man Aero­space Cen­ter (DLR), Ober­pfaf­fen­ho­fen

Total length: < 1 kilo­me­ter

Wave­length: VIS, 589 nm, 850 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm

Type of trans­mis­si­on: opti­cal ground sta­ti­on for satel­li­te or air­craft com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

Ope­ra­tor: DLR Insti­tu­te for Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Navi­ga­ti­on

Insti­tu­ti­on: DLR Insti­tu­te for Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Navi­ga­ti­on

Cont­act: Flo­ri­an Moll

Sta­tus: acti­ve

FSO Test­bed Opti­cal Ground Sta­ti­on Ober­pfaf­fen­ho­fen

Loca­ti­on: Ger­man Aero­space Cen­ter (DLR), Ober­pfaf­fen­ho­fen – Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Tower Schön­gei­sing FFB, Schön­gei­sing

Total length: about 7 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: VIS, 589 nm, 850 nm, 1064 nm, 1550 nm

Type of trans­mis­si­on: free space optics

Ope­ra­tor: DLR Insti­tu­te for Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Navi­ga­ti­on

Insti­tu­ti­on: DLR Insti­tu­te for Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and Navi­ga­ti­on

Cont­act: Flo­ri­an Moll

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Dres­den Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed In-House

Loca­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Inte­gra­ted Cir­cuits (IIS), Divi­si­on Engi­nee­ring of Adap­ti­ve Sys­tems (EAS), Dres­den

Total length: about 200 meters

Wave­length: 810 nm; o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Fraun­ho­fer EAS

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer EAS

Cont­act: Ste­fan Krau­se

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Dres­den Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed EAS / IVI

Loca­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Inte­gra­ted Cir­cuits (IIS), Divi­si­on Engi­nee­ring of Adap­ti­ve Sys­tems (EAS), Dres­den – Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Trans­por­ta­ti­on and Infra­struc­tu­re Sys­tems (IVI), Dres­den

Total length: 10 kilo­me­ter loop (about 20 kilo­me­ters with cir­cu­la­tor)

Wave­length: o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Fraun­ho­fer EAS

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer EAS

Cont­act: Ste­fan Krau­se

Sta­tus: acti­ve

tubLAN Q.0

Loca­ti­on: Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (TU), Euge­ne Paul Wig­ner buil­ding, Ber­lin – Tele­fun­ken buil­ding (TEL), Ber­lin – Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (TU), Main buil­ding, Ber­lin

Total length: ≤ 1 kilo­me­ter

Wave­length: o-/c‑­­band (780 to 950 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: various

Ope­ra­tor: Tobi­as Hein­del

Insti­tu­ti­on: Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (TU) of Ber­lin

Cont­act: Tobi­as Hein­del

Sta­tus: acti­ve


Loca­ti­on: Heinz Nix­dorf Insti­tu­te (HNI), Pader­born – Pader­born Uni­ver­si­ty, Pader­born

Total length: about 9 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: all Tele­kom band­widths

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: PhoQS

Insti­tu­ti­on: Pader­born Uni­ver­si­ty

Cont­act: Klaus Jöns, Tim Bart­ley, Chris­toph Scheytt, Chris­ti­ne Sil­ber­horn

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Ber­lin Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Test­bed

Loca­ti­on: Lise Meit­ner House, Ber­lin – T‑Labs (Deut­sche Tele­kom AG), Ber­lin – Fraun­ho­fer Hein­rich Hertz Insti­tu­te (HHI), Ber­lin

Total length: about 26 kilo­me­ters (from Lise Meit­ner House to T‑Labs) (fiber), about 8.3 kilo­me­ters (from T‑Labs to Fraun­ho­fer Hein­rich Hertz Insti­tu­te (HHI)) (fiber) and about 3.1 kilo­me­ters (from Fraun­ho­fer Hein­rich-Hertz-Insti­tut (HHI) to T‑Labs) (free space)

Wave­length: dark fiber (no rest­ric­tions)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber and free space optics link bet­ween Fraun­ho­fer Hein­rich Hertz Insti­tu­te (HHI) and T‑Labs, fiber link bet­ween Lise Meit­ner House and T‑Labs

Ope­ra­tor: Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty (HU) of Ber­lin, T‑Labs (Deut­sche Tele­kom AG) and Fraun­ho­fer Hein­rich Hertz Insti­tu­te (HHI), Ber­lin

Insti­tu­ti­on: Ber­lin Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Test­bed

Cont­act: Marc Geitz, Nico­las Per­lot

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Nie­der­sach­sen Quan­tum Link / PTB Time & Fre­quen­cy Link

Loca­ti­on: Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty of Hano­ver (LUH), Hano­ver – Phy­si­ka­lisch-Tech­ni­sche Bun­des­an­stalt (PTB), Braun­schweig

Total length: about 78 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: c‑band (1530 to 1565 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Phy­­si­­ka­­lisch-Tech­­ni­­sche Bun­des­an­stalt (PTB) and Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty of Hano­ver (LUH)

Insti­tu­ti­on: Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty of Hano­ver (LUH) and Phy­­si­­ka­­lisch-Tech­­ni­­sche Bun­des­an­stalt (PTB)

Cont­act: Ste­fan Kück, Fei Ding

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Munich Quan­tum Net­work (MuQua­Net)

Loca­ti­on: various

Wave­length: c‑band (1550 nm), 800 nm

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber and free space optics

Ope­ra­tor: Munich Quan­tum Net­work (MuQua­Net); click here for more infor­ma­ti­on about MuQua­Net

Insti­tu­ti­on: Uni­ver­si­ty of the Bun­des­wehr Munich (UniBw M) (fiber) and Lud­wig Maxi­mi­li­an Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (LMU) (free space optics)

Cont­act: Udo Helm­brecht

Sta­tus: plan­ned / par­ti­al­ly in ope­ra­ti­on

Opti­cal Ground Sta­ti­on Jena

Loca­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF), Jena

Total length: ≤ 1 kilo­me­ter

Type of trans­mis­si­on: opti­cal ground sta­ti­on for satel­li­te or air­craft com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

Ope­ra­tor: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF)

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF)

Cont­act: Mat­thi­as Goy, Fabi­an Stein­lech­ner

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Free-Space Link Jena

Loca­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF), Jena – Public uti­li­ties Jena, Jena

Total length: about 1.7 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: 500 nm to 2 µm (810 nm, 1550 nm etc.)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: free space optics

Ope­ra­tor: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF)

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF) and Public uti­li­ties Jena

Cont­act: Mat­thi­as Goy, Fabi­an Stein­lech­ner

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Cam­pus Net­work (Beu­ten­berg Cam­pus Jena)

Loca­ti­on: Abbe Cen­ter of Pho­to­nics (ACP), Jena – Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF), Jena

Total length: ≤ 1 kilo­me­ter

Wave­length:  c‑band (1550 nm), o‑band (1300 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Beu­ten­berg e.V.

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF) and Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­si­ty (FSU) Jena

Cont­act: Nata­sa Pav­lo­vic, Fabi­an Stein­lech­ner

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Jena-Erfurt Fiber Link

Loca­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF), Jena – Fraun­ho­fer Cen­ter for Microelec­tro­nic and Opti­cal Sys­tems for Bio­me­di­ci­ne (MEOS), Erfurt

Total length: about 76 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: c‑band (1550 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF)

Insti­tu­ti­on: Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tu­te for Appli­ed Optics and Pre­cis­i­on Engi­nee­ring (IOF) and Fraun­ho­fer Cen­ter for Microelec­tro­nic and Opti­cal Sys­tems for Bio­me­di­ci­ne (MEOS)

Cont­act: Nata­sa Pav­lo­vic, Fabi­an Stein­lech­ner

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Saar­brü­cken Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Loca­ti­on: Saar­land Uni­ver­si­ty (UdS), Saar­brü­cken – Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces (HTW), Saar­brü­cken

Total length: about 14 kilo­me­ters

Wave­length: o‑band (1310 nm) to c‑band (1550 nm)

Type of trans­mis­si­on: fiber

Ope­ra­tor: Saar­land Uni­ver­si­ty (UdS) and VSE NET GmbH

Insti­tu­ti­on: Saar­brü­cken Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Fiber Test­bed

Cont­act: Jür­gen Esch­ner, Chris­toph Becher

Sta­tus: acti­ve

Par­al­lel to the alre­a­dy exis­ting test­bed infra­struc­tu­re, seve­ral initia­ti­ves and pro­jects are ongo­ing to extend the test­bed infra­struc­tu­re in Ger­ma­ny. The initia­ti­ve for the estab­lish­ment of a fiber optic back­bone for Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and time and fre­quen­cy dis­tri­bu­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny is intro­du­ced here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur adi­pi­scing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­per mat­tis, pul­vi­nar dapi­bus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur adi­pi­scing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­per mat­tis, pul­vi­nar dapi­bus leo.