
The BMBF pro­ject “6G-Quan­tum Secu­ri­ty (6G-QuaS)” aims to deve­lop a hybrid quan­tum-clas­si­cal wired indus­tri­al net­work. Here, the Quan­tum Infor­ma­ti­on is to be stored con­ti­nuous­ly in the pha­se and ampli­tu­de of the light and not, as is com­mon in cur­rent rese­arch, dis­crete­ly in its pola­riza­ti­on. This should result in signi­fi­cant­ly lower laten­cy times and grea­ter resi­li­ence against attacks while main­tai­ning the same level of secu­ri­ty. The pro­ject deve­lo­ps the neces­sa­ry pro­to­cols as well as a demons­tra­tor. In the pro­ject lea­ding rese­arch groups from the fields of Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and net­work tech­no­lo­gy are invol­ved.

Pro­ject Part­ners:
• albis-elcon 
• TU Dres­den