Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
As the national cyber security authority the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) is responsible for digital information security for the government, businesses, and society through prevention, detection, and reaction. The BSI is the federal cyber security agency and the chief architect of secure digitalisation in Germany. Since its foundation in 1991 the BSI has developed into a cross-departmental competence centre for information security issues with technical expertise recognised nationally and internationally. The integrated value chain of the BSI ranges from defence and analysis of cyberattacks through consulting and certification to the development of security recommendations, best practices, and standards. As the central certification and authorisation body in Germany, the BSI assumes responsibility in this area too.
The BSI also focuses on the defence against cyberattacks enabled by new, disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence or Quantum Technologies. Quantum Computers are a serious threat to the public-key cryptography used today. The focus of BSI is developing and standardising quantum computer resistant alternatives with a distinction between Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and Quantum Cryptography. The BSI commissioned researchers from Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) and Florida Atlantic University (FAU) to conduct a study that produced a meaningful and reliable assessment of the state of development of Quantum Computers.
BSI recommendations
In December 2021 BSI published the document “Quantum-safe cryptography – fundamentals, current developments and recommendations”. This publication updates BSI’s initial recommendations “Migration to Post Quantum Cryptography” published in April 2020. Moreover, the BSI recommends within the Technical Guideline BSI TR-02102–1 two quantum computer resistant methods for key agreement and stateful hash-based signature schemes.
SQuaD Project
The BSI coordinates the umbrella project SQuaD in close cooperation with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).
Address / Contact
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
Godesberger Allee 185–189
53175 Bonn
Contact SQuaD:
Dr. Luminita Mihaila
E‑mail: luminita.mihaila@bsi.bund.de