The aim of the pro­ject “Deve­lo­p­ment of high-per­for­mance trans­mis­si­on com­pon­ents for quan­tum-safe com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on over fiber-optic lines in metro and wide-area net­works” (DE-QOR) is to fur­ther deve­lop exis­ting QKD approa­ches based on coher­ent opti­cal trans­mis­si­on tech­no­lo­gy (con­ti­nuous varia­ble QKD, CV-QKD). The advan­ta­ge here is that exis­ting infra­struc­tu­re can be used. Cen­tral com­pon­ents on the trans­mit­ter and recei­ver side are to be deve­lo­ped and inte­gra­ted into com­pact sys­tems. This includes both opti­cal modu­les and the asso­cia­ted elec­tro­nics, who­se firm­ware can be con­ti­nuous­ly updated and opti­mi­zed by remo­te main­ten­an­ce. The aim is to deve­lop trans­mis­si­on links in urban are­as with a length of more than 80 kilo­me­ters. The rese­ar­chers want to achie­ve the hig­hest pos­si­ble trans­mis­si­on speeds. This is to be achie­ved by ana­ly­zing and opti­mi­zing the ana­log and digi­tal sub­sys­tems in order to achie­ve a key gene­ra­ti­on rate that can be used to encrypt a lar­ge num­ber of chan­nels. In addi­ti­on, the com­pon­ents will be tes­ted for secu­ri­ty aspects, for exam­p­le regar­ding attack pos­si­bi­li­ties. The pro­ject part­ners are also car­ry­ing out preli­mi­na­ry work to faci­li­ta­te stan­dar­diza­ti­on and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on after the end of the pro­ject and thus open up the widest pos­si­ble cir­cle of users.


Address / Cont­act

Adva Net­work Secu­ri­ty GmbH
Jus­tus-von-Lie­big Str. 7
12489 Ber­lin

Cont­act SQuaD:
Tobi­as Fehen­ber­ger | Direc­tor R&D Stra­tegy
Pho­ne:  +4930–2636969164
Mobi­le: +49170-5561423