Initiative for the Establishment of a Fiber Optic Backbone for Quantum Communication and Time and Frequency Distribution in Germany:
In recent years, two new technologies have come to the fore for optical fiber networks: optical Quantum Communication for the realization of physically secure message transmission and the optical distribution of time and frequency (T&F) signals with a large gain in accuracy. The further development and broad use of these technologies as part of R&D activities and in future commercial applications opens up new possibilities, such as the opportunity for “end-to-end security in a hyper-connected world” or improved positioning systems. In parallel to the direct development of systems and components within the framework of initiatives such as QuNet3, QR.X3, and SQuaD, this requires the establishment and maintenance of a suitable R&D infrastructure at national and European level. This infrastructure, which jointly supports Quantum Communication and Time and Frequency Distribution (“QTF-Backbone”), requires a perspective of at least a decade. Quantum Communication and time and frequency distribution place special demands on such a dedicated fiber link and promise great synergies in the joint implementation — both areas should benefit from the capabilities of the complementary partner in order to develop their full specific functionality.
The “Initiative for the establishment of a fiber optic backbone for Quantum Communication and time and frequency distribution in Germany”, that originates from the German quantum communications community aims to initiate a German fiber optic backbone, which will then be available for research, development and use of Quantum Technologies (QT) as well as Time and Frequency signals (T&F) in the coming decade. Further information on the QTF-Backbone can be found on the website set up for this purpose and in the summary.
Author: PTB
Figure: Symbolic representation of a QTF backbone consisting of optical fibers and nodes (POPs), which would be available for research, development, and use of applications in the fields of Quantum Technologies and time and frequency signals (QT&F) throughout Germany.
Author of the illustration: © PTB