Address / Contact
KEEQuant GmbH
GS28 – 6th Floor
Gebhardtstraße 28
90762 Fürth
Contact SQuaD:
• Imran Khan:
• Anja Kiefer:
KEEQuant GmbH is a start-up company in the field of quantum secure communication. Its core business is the development, production and sale of systems for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), as well as of crucial components of Quantum Technology which forms the basis for permanent secure communication.
The user’s security-critical data streams remain protected from access by third parties even in future scenarios — such as an attack by powerful Quantum Computers. KEEQuant GmbH also provides extensive expertise in the field of Quantum Security through consulting services.
KEEQuant actively contributes to the ecosystem of Quantum Communication. Among other things, this is accomplished by participation in various funded projects along the value chain: from components to QKD systems to network integration using key management systems.
KEEQuant speaks Quantum Technology and understands the necessary engineering for industrialization and thus forms a link between the worlds. On the industry side this manifests itself in the founding of the Deutsche Industrieverbund für Quantensicherheit (“DIVQSec”). This association has set itself the task of developing quantum secure solutions for Germany.