
The aim of the Quant-ID pro­ject is to rese­arch end-to-end solu­ti­ons for relia­ble digi­tal iden­ti­ties using Post-Quan­tum Cryp­to­gra­phy (PQC) and a pro­prie­ta­ry Quan­tum Ran­dom Num­ber Gene­ra­tor (QRNG) deve­lo­ped in Ger­ma­ny. The com­bi­na­ti­on of both inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies offers pro­tec­tion against attacks with Quan­tum Com­pu­ters on the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and inte­gri­ty of sen­si­ti­ve data. The imple­men­ta­ti­on of end-to-end solu­ti­ons is based on glo­bal­ly used “Iden­ti­ty Access Manage­ment” (IAM) pro­to­cols, which rest­rict and secu­re access to sen­si­ti­ve data and sys­tems in digi­tal net­works. The impact of the inte­gra­ted new pro­ce­du­res on the avai­la­bi­li­ty of the data will be eva­lua­ted with sta­tis­ti­cal pro­ce­du­res in the cour­se of the pro­ject. With the expe­ri­ence and results of the pro­ject the use of quan­tum attack-resistant encryp­ti­on and secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols in cri­ti­cal IAM infra­struc­tures will be tes­ted and the upco­ming migra­ti­ons will be faci­li­ta­ted.

Main Part­ners:
• Quant‑X Secu­ri­ty & Coding GmbH
• Fraun­ho­fer-Insti­tut für Pho­to­ni­sche Mikro­sys­te­me (IPMS)
• Uni­ver­si­tät Regens­burg

Asso­cia­ted Part­ners:
• DB Sys­tel
• Autha­da
• Roland Hed­berg (Ope­nID Rese­ar­cher)
• Giu­sep­pe De Mar­co (Ope­nID Rese­ar­cher)

Address / Cont­act

Quant‑X Secu­ri­ty & Coding GmbH
Engel­bos­te­ler Damm 15
30167 Han­no­ver

Cont­act SQuaD:
Xenia Bogo­molec
E‑mail: xb@quant-x-sec.de