Uni­ver­si­tät des Saar­lan­des (UdS)

The Uni­ver­si­tät des Saar­lan­des (UdS) repres­ents all four pil­lars of Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies (QT) with its rese­arch acti­vi­ties and hosts high­ly rese­arch-ori­en­ted QT working groups with par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in coor­di­na­ted pro­jects (DFG, EU) as well as a num­ber of BMBF-fun­ded acti­vi­ties. In addi­ti­on to par­ti­ci­pa­ting in natio­nal rese­arch net­works on foun­da­ti­ons of Quan­tum Optics (TRR306 QuCo­Li­Ma), on QCom (e.g. QR.X, QSync, VOMBAT), QCom­pu­ting (NiQ, QPIC‑1), and enab­ling tech­no­lo­gies (HiFi) as well as Euro­pean pro­jects, UdS coor­di­na­tes the joint pro­ject QR.X, con­sis­ting of more than 40 part­ners from aca­de­mia, insti­tu­tes, indus­try, and govern­men­tal agen­ci­es, with the goal of deve­lo­ping a Quan­tum Repea­ter and demons­t­ra­ting its func­tion­a­li­ty. Thus, UdS is firm­ly embedded in net­works of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch acti­vi­ties and pro­vi­des an important inter­face bet­ween the umbrel­la pro­ject SQuaD and QR.X. As a uni­ver­si­ty part­ner UdS has also been invol­ved in the edu­ca­ti­on of master’s stu­dents and doc­to­ral can­di­da­tes with a focus on Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies for more than 15 years and builds on excel­lent natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal net­works. Examp­les of this focus on tea­ching include the regu­lar orga­niza­ti­on of a Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gy Gra­dua­te Semi­nar, the estab­lish­ment of the new Quan­tum Engi­nee­ring Cour­se, or the BMBF-fun­ded Quant­umF­ab­La­bs pro­ject of the Quan­tum Future Edu­ca­ti­on Pro­gram. In SQuaD, UdS is dedi­ca­ted to the aspects of know­ledge trans­fer, sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on as well as tech­no­lo­gy and trend ana­ly­sis.

Address / Cont­act

Uni­ver­si­tät des Saar­lan­des (UdS)
Fach­rich­tung Phy­sik
Cam­pus E2 6
66123 Saar­brü­cken

Cont­act SQuaD:
Prof. Dr. Chris­toph Becher
E‑mail: christoph.becher@physik.uni-saarland.de