Universität des Saarlandes (UdS)
The Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) represents all four pillars of Quantum Technologies (QT) with its research activities and hosts highly research-oriented QT working groups with participation in coordinated projects (DFG, EU) as well as a number of BMBF-funded activities. In addition to participating in national research networks on foundations of Quantum Optics (TRR306 QuCoLiMa), on QCom (e.g. QR.X, QSync, VOMBAT), QComputing (NiQ, QPIC‑1), and enabling technologies (HiFi) as well as European projects, UdS coordinates the joint project QR.X, consisting of more than 40 partners from academia, institutes, industry, and governmental agencies, with the goal of developing a Quantum Repeater and demonstrating its functionality. Thus, UdS is firmly embedded in networks of national and international research activities and provides an important interface between the umbrella project SQuaD and QR.X. As a university partner UdS has also been involved in the education of master’s students and doctoral candidates with a focus on Quantum Technologies for more than 15 years and builds on excellent national and international networks. Examples of this focus on teaching include the regular organization of a Quantum Technology Graduate Seminar, the establishment of the new Quantum Engineering Course, or the BMBF-funded QuantumFabLabs project of the Quantum Future Education Program. In SQuaD, UdS is dedicated to the aspects of knowledge transfer, science communication as well as technology and trend analysis.
Address / Contact
Universität des Saarlandes (UdS)
Fachrichtung Physik
Campus E2 6
66123 Saarbrücken
Contact SQuaD:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Becher
E‑mail: christoph.becher@physik.uni-saarland.de