Quan­tum Meets ’24

11 to 13 June 2024:

Quan­tum Meets ’24 in Ams­ter­dam –

The this year’s Quan­tum Meets, a dyna­mic three-day series of cap­ti­vat­ing Quan­tum Events Set, takes place in Ams­ter­dam from 11 to 13 June 2024. One of the high­lights is the Q‑Expo, a uni­que two-day event by the Euro­pean Quan­tum Indus­try Con­sor­ti­um (QuIC) fea­turing a busi­ness expo day and ple­na­ry day, proud­ly co-hos­ted by Quan­tum Del­ta NL as an inte­gral part of Quan­tum Meets ’24.
Unli­ke typi­cal Quan­tum Con­fe­rence, Quan­tum Meets is a co-crea­ted coll­ec­tion of sole­ly inter­ac­ti­ve ses­si­ons and free events, taking place in seve­ral loca­ti­ons and addres­sing a wide ran­ge of Quan­tum Topics: from appli­ca­ti­ons and impli­ca­ti­ons to the latest rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ments, and gro­wing a Quan­tum Busi­ness or Eco­sys­tem. Each day will spot­light a distinct the­me, addres­sing the breadth and depth of Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gy, invi­ting all stake­hol­ders to par­ti­ci­pa­te in an immersi­ve explo­ra­ti­on of a diver­se array of topics. Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on.

Event loca­ti­on:
Seve­ral loca­ti­ons

Source refe­ren­ces: https://quantumdelta.nl/events/quantum-meets-2024https://qt.eu/events/quantum-meets-24